Traveling with a baby need not be a hectic experience. With a few well-thought travel gear, you can have a peaceful and even enjoyable trip with your tiny bundle of joy.
- A self-folding buggy
From walking across the airport terminals to strolling down the streets, a folding buggy is a great purchase if you don’t want to be lugging a child around. Though a baby carrier does the trick for infants, a toddler is more comfortable in a buggy.
- 2-in-1 changing bag/carry cot
A convertible changing bag is your best friend on travels since you might not always find a clean surface to change the baby on. The carry cot helps the baby to have his own space to rest and sleep in the car, hotel or even the restaurant.
- Backpack with harness
If you are travelling with a toddler who loves to keep you on your toes, a harness attached to his backpack isn’t a bad idea. However, do prepare yourself to receive those incredulous looks from strangers. Barring the embarrassment, it is a blessing when you need to handle an energetic toddler while carrying luggage.
- Child locating tag
If your travels take you to crowded spaces, a locating device is a great precaution.
- Noise cancelling ear defenders
A pair of these is great to protect your child’s hearing. If you plan on attending any sporting events, concerts or loud parties, these are a must to ensure they don’t get scared or agitated.